Tacticals give you support options for temporarily disabling enemies or protecting yourself.

Stuns and staggers enemies even if grazed by the blast.
Unlocked at Rank 1
Smoke Screen

Produces a thick smoke screen. Teammates within the smoke can't be detected on radar.
Unlocked at Rank 3

Disables or destroys nearby hostile electronic systems.
Unlocked at Rank 11
Trophy System

Intercepts and destroys enemy projectiles within 10 meters. High velocity missiles, e.g. from Scorestreaks, have a chance to penetrate.
Unlocked at Rank 23
Shock Charge

Proximity triggered mine that temporarily paralyzes nearby enemies. Sticks to any surface.
Unlocked at Rank 35

Blinds and disorients enemies for several seconds.
Unlocked at Rank 47
Black Hat

Used to hack enemy equipment and Scorestreaks. High-end Scorestreaks require two Black Hats: one to breach the targets firewall and the other to hack it.
You can increase the hacking speed by aiming at the center of the target.
Unlocked at Rank 54