Lethals offer a variety of equipment and explosives to take out enemies or defend an area.

Basic frag grenade with a short fuse that can be cooked.
Unlocked at Rank 1

Sticky grenade that sticks to whatever it lands. Short fuse, can't be cooked.
Unlocked at Rank 6
Trip Mine

Proximity mine that triggers when an enemy gets near it. Once triggered, the Trip Mine launches into the air and explodes.
Unlocked at Rank 17

Incendiary grenade that explodes into a lethal heat zone. Lasts for a short duration.
Unlocked at Rank 29
Combat Axe

Stealthy axe that causes instant death on impact. Can be picked up and reused.
Unlocked at Rank 41

Plastic explosive equipped with a proximity alarm that notifies the user when an enemy is near the device.
Unlocked at Rank 53